Visual Arts Guild Student Grant Application

Thank you for your interest in a Visual Arts Guild grant. Please complete the form below. A guild representative will contact you with any questions. Please note these grant guidelines: 

  • You must include a faculty member who will review your request.
  • Guild membership is required.
  • The grant request must be for a school-related project, portfolio work and/or classroom supplies AND must be approved by appropriate art teacher. Do not use this form to request funding for supplies to make art for the Visual Arts Market or any off-campus money-marking market.*
  • $150 is the maximum grant for all non-ED students.
  • Students can apply for one grant per semester.
  • Each request must include a quote or testimonial the Visual Arts Guild can use in promotional materials. Your quote can be anonymous. Indicate your preference in the form below.

*If you need additional funding for supplies, and do not meet these requirements, you can also apply for materials grants through the Wolf Fund in the counselor's office.

Student Information

Student Grade (reset)

Grant Information
Which art teacher should review your request? (reset)


Testimonial or Quote
To receive a grant, the student or one parent must be a member of the Visual Arts Guild. The student must also submit a testimonial or quote about the project that we can use in promotional materials. Your quote can be anonymous.

Can we use your name? (reset)

Is the student or parent a Visual Arts Guild member?