Young American Talent Sponsorships & Donations

YAT offers a wide range of opportunities for partnership and critical support for our competition. These opportunities are investments that directly support the mission, offer extensive visibility and provide a premium affiliation with YAT. Corporate partners at every level receive a benefits package that includes valuable visibility, VIP access and a curated benefit. 100% of the donations goes to the students. 

Young American Talent DonationPriceQty
 $500 Young American Talent Sponsor
Our $500 Contemporary Sponsor receives name recognition on the YAT reception signage, encore exhibit and website, and recognition on all press releases, web site announcements, emails and social media posts. more
 $250 Young American Talent Sponsor
Our $250 Contemporary Sponsor receives name recognition on the YAT reception signage, encore exhibit and website. more
 Custom donation to Young American Talent
Young American Talent is organized and run by volunteers. 100% of the funds raised goes to the students. Please consider a donation to support the event and its participants. more