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Originally delivered on 7/11/2024 9:10 am

SUBJECT: Visual Arts Seniors! Don't forget to ...

Thank you for your support of the Visual Arts Guild.

July 11, 2024

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Good morning Visual Arts Class of 2025 parents, guardians and students!

It's time to sign up for conservatory headshots!

Conservatory headshots are different from senior photos and yearbook photos. Conservatory headshots are used by the Visual Arts Conservatory and Guild throughout your student's senior year. They are posted on the senior wall by Mr. Clark's room, and used at Portfolio Day, Showcase, senior shows, and the senior dinner. The fee is $25 and can be paid with cash, check or credit the day of your student's session. With your session, you will get one digital download of a photo of your choice and a print copy of the photo at the senior dinner. 

The first session is during Pegasus Pick Up on July 31. Since this class is large, we'll also have a session once school starts.

We encourage every student to sit for a conservatory headshot. If the $25 fee is prohibitive for anyone, please email

Check out some of last year's headshots

Senior parents! We need volunteers on July 31 to check in seniors, accept payments for headshots, monitor the Hudson Gallery, and assist the photographers. Visit the guild website or email for details. It's an easy and fun gig - bring a laptop, work or a book or sign up with a friend.

Other senior reminders:

  • July 14 is the deadline to submit a design for the senior t-shirt.
  • July 14 is also the deadline to pre-order your shirt. Order by the deadline to make sure you get the right size. All seniors get a t-shirt so if you don't pre-order by July 14, you'll get to choose from leftover sizes.
  • July 31 is Pegasus Pick Up for seniors: Last name A-M register from 9:30-11:30 and last name N-Z register from 1:30-4 p.m. 
  • Don't forget to sign up for your senior yearbook photos. (Again, not the same as conservatory headshots.) Senior yearbook photos include a pose and personality shot. The basic session is free but additional packages are available. Photos will be taken August 5-7 at BTW. Visit photographer Angela Navarette's website for details on the session, photo packages and to schedule your session.
  • Purchase your 2025 yearbook or yearbook package.

There are lots of ways to stay in touch with senior news and events:

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