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Originally delivered on 7/15/2024 8:33 pm

SUBJECT: Visual Arts Guild News - Two weeks until Pegasus Pick Up

Visual Arts Guild

July 15, 2024

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Good evening Visual Arts Class parents, guardians and students!

Read on for a few reminders and exciting announcements for our students.


All families should have received information from the school and Principal Williams about Pegasus Pick Up. If you have any questions, email If we don't have the answer, we'll help track it down. Some reminders:

You can save a couple stops in the process by:


8:30-11:30 a.m. Parents are encouraged to attend registration with their students. Please allow up to two hours to complete registration.

12-1 p.m. Lunch and a social for incoming freshmen in the Green Room

12-1 p.m. Parent University in the Black Box, RSVP by July 28

1-4:15 p.m. Flight School for students only, RSVP by July 22


8-8:30 a.m. Social for students in the Green Room

8-8:30 a.m. Parent University in the Black Box, RSVP by July 28

9-11:30 a.m. Rising sophomores register 


1-1:30 p.m. Social for students in the Green Room

1-1:30 p.m. Parent University in the Black Box, RSVP by July 28

1:30-4 p.m. Rising juniors register


8:30-9 a.m. Registration for cast/crew of All-School Musical

9:30-11:30 a.m. Registration for seniors last name A-M

12-1 p.m. Social for students in the Green Room

12-1 p.m. Parent University in the Black Box, RSVP by July 28

1:30-4 p.m. Registration for seniors last name N-Z



  • Sign up for your conservatory headshot on July 31. We will schedule one make-up day once school has started, but there will be a limited number of slots on the make-up day. 
  • You can pay the $25 fee at your session. With your $25 you will get a digital download and print copy of any photo you choose.
  • WE WANT ALL SENIORS TO HAVE A HEADSHOT! Email if you have questions or if the $25 is an issue. Senior headshots are posted on the senior wall by Mr. Clark's room and used throughout the year. 


  • Senior yearbook photos will be taken August 5-7. Your yearbook session includes a pose and personality shot. The session is free but extended packages are available. You must book your session online.


  • The Senior Activities Committee provides each senior with a Class of 2025 t-shirt. Be sure you get the size you want - preorder through July 26.


  • Design the artwork for this year's All-School Musical, On Your Feet: Rising 10th-12th graders are eligible to submit artwork for consideration for the cover of the On Your Feet Playbill. Submissions accepted from July 15 - August 4. See the PTSA website for all details and to submit an entry.

  • Submit art for the Dallas Museum of Art's teen show: Rising 10th-12th graders are encouraged to submit up to three pieces of art for consideration in the DMA's show. Email a photo of your artwork no later than July 18. Those selected must be able to bring the art to the DMA on July 20. Art needs to fit within a 24"x36" space. 

  • Apply for the UNREPPED Art Fair: The Daisha Board Gallery is accepting submissions for the 2024 UNREPPED Art Fair through August 5. Artists will be notified at the end of August and the fair is September 26-29. 100% of the commission goes to the artist! See the Daisha Board Gallery website for detailsContact the Visual Arts Guild if you want to apply and need assistance with the $40 application fee.

  • Start thinking about Reflections: Reflections is a national PTA arts program open to all BTW students. This year's theme is Accepting Imperfections. The program will open in the fall and submissions will be accepted through the BTW PTSA website.

We have two volunteer opportunities this summer and appreciate your time and donations to support these events. Read on or email for details.

  • Pegasus Pick Up, July 29-31: Parents and students are encouraged to sign up for a shift during Pegasus Pick Up, our annual registration event. Our volunteers will man merchandise and membership tables, collect art supply fees from students, and promote the Visual Arts Guild. Get the details and sign up today!

  • Faculty Back-To-School Breakfast, August 7: Each guild hosts a breakfast for all faculty the week before school, and we are hosting Wednesday, August 7. We need a few volunteers to help set up, serve and clean up from 7:30-9:30 a.m. We're also looking for monetary donations to offset the cost. Donations in any amount are appreciated! Visit the website, customize your donation, and indicate it is for teacher appreciation.

Thank you to everyone who has updated or renewed their sponsorship in the Visual Arts Guild for the upcoming school year. As a reminder, basic membership in the guild is free, but you need to create your Membership Toolkit account and provide a valid email address so you can receive our newsletter.

If you would like to become a monetary sponsor, we have several levels and each offer a variety of perks. And we are grateful for our sustaining sponsors who help support teacher appreciation and events like gallery receptions, Portfolio Day, College Showcase and the annual senior dinner.

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